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In our never-ending search for interesting news about the jute industry – it’s our passion! – this snippet from Scottish Construction Now caught our attention.

jute manufacture
Photo courtesy of Dundee University Archive Services

This iconic building – the last jute mill in Dundee – is to be demolished to make way for new homes.

Known in its industrial heyday as the “city of jute, jam and journalism”, Dundee was named in 2014 by the United Nations as the UK’s first UNESCO City of Design.

Around 100 years ago Dundee was synonymous with the jute industry being the largest manufacturing base for the plant anywhere in the world.

At that time almost half of the workers in Dundee were in the textile industry which was dominated by jute.

What’s amazing is that Dundee is around 9,000 miles from Kolkata – the main port in India from where jute was exported!

But jute was an extremely important fibre – it’s cheap and quick to grow, tough and durable – the ultimate sustainable material.

Now, all manufacturing of the jute for our bags and other products takes place near to where it’s grown. Our dedicated factory has rigorous standards for quality, safety and staff welfare – so you can rest easy knowing you are buying a truly ethical product.

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