Pawton Manor
Game shooting has become increasingly popular in recent decades. It is an accessible sport, enjoyed by many thousands of people from all walks of life. It provides huge benefits to the environment and a significant contribution to local economies.
Pawton is situated on the North Cornish Coast near to Wadebridge. Top quality sporting birds situated in over 1500 acres of picturesque countryside, the family run business provides driven days of 200-400 birds.
On the shoot day, a team of shooters, or Guns, line out at numbered pegs. Meanwhile, under the gamekeeper’s instructions, a group of beaters and their dogs move through areas of woodland or covert, flushing the game ahead of them. The aim is to get the birds to break cover and fly high over the line of Guns to provide sporting shots. Shot game is retrieved quickly by a picker-up who sends his/her trained gun dog to where the shot game falls.
Pawton Manor, like to sell their branded 6 wine bottle jute carriers to each visitor and up-sell wine from their shop, as well as their shot game of course.
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