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Whether you’re celebrating with friends, taking a break from shopping or just fancy a drink. Young’s have one of the largest and most impressive selections of pubs (250 to be exact!) from London to Exeter. There is probably a Young’s pub close to you!

The group started out with five pubs and have now expanded beyond expectation. We regularly produce branded jute and cotton bags for their chain of pubs and restaurants, which increases their brand awareness and recognition throughout the country.

youngs-3 Brand Awareness

How can branded products help you?

One of our largest market sectors is the food and drink industry. We have many hotels, restaurants, pubs, cafes, coffee shops and food stores get in touch asking for a product that will benefit their customers and improve their brand awareness simultaneously.

We have many case studies of pub owners that use their branded bags to up-sell a product, as loyalty gifts, as promotion evening prizes and as sale-able souvenirs. The choice we offer is huge in terms of fabric of bags and products, sizes and colours.

Pubs can build revenue and reinforce their place in the business landscape by building brand awareness among their audience and customer base. From using the concept of brand positioning to creating a consistent visual message, there are a myriad of ways restaurant and pub owners can approach brand awareness.

A consistent visual presence provides a vivid memory for consumers. Stella Artois, Guinness and McDonalds are perfect examples of visual brand awareness. Each of these well-known brands uses a well-designed logo and a tag line to embed brand awareness in the public’s mind. However, logos are not the only way to build visual awareness. Signage, colour scheme, décor, staff uniform and branded products can reinforce a pub concept and build a brand.

This is something that Young’s do very well indeed. Each of their pubs, restaurant and hotels has a strong brand and identity of their own. What we really admire about the chain is that they are constantly evolving in a contemporary and modern way yet remaining true to their brand.

If you’re considering your marketing plan and brand awareness strategy and would like to incorporate branded products and/or bags then please do get in touch; we have lots of experience within the team on branding and brand strengthening and are confident we can help you design a product you can be proud of.

The Coach & Horses | The Orange Tree | The Lamb | The Bell At Stow | The Bulls Head | Hammersmith Ram | The White Bear | The Bear | The Blue Boar

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